Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography

SDMS Announcements

SDMS President's Message - March 2025

by Mitzi Roberts, SDMS President

Dear SDMS Members,

ad·vo·ca·cy “The act of protecting, advancing, and giving voice to the profession; ensuring sonographers are supported, standards are upheld, and workplace challenges are addressed.”

At the SDMS, advocacy isn’t just a word. It’s a commitment to ensuring sonographers like you are heard, valued, and protected. While the results of advocacy efforts aren’t always immediately visible, the SDMS is working every day to strengthen the profession and improve working conditions for sonographers.

We know that being a sonographer comes with increasing demands, physical strain, workplace challenges, and the expectation to provide the highest level of patient care, often with limited resources and these realities drive our advocacy efforts.

We Advance Professional Recognition - We enhance the credibility of sonographers and reinforce public trust by influencing favorable policies, supporting licensure, and engaging directly with members to expand recognition of the profession.

We Promote Safer Workplaces – We champion research, best practices, and employer awareness to reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs), because your long-term health and well-being matter.

We Uphold Accreditation Standards – We support high-quality accreditation requirements for sonography laboratories and clinical practices, ensuring that patient safety and professional standards remain a top priority.

We Protect the Scope of Practice – We work to ensure sonographers can practice within clearly defined standards, preventing unqualified individuals from taking on sonographer roles and protecting both jobs and patient care.

It’s easy to question if advocacy efforts are really working when its benefits aren’t immediately felt. But imagine being a sonographer without these efforts where unsafe conditions go unchallenged, accreditation standards decline, and professional roles become unclear. The SDMS advocates every day to prevent this from happening and to shape a better future for you.

You matter to us and your voice, your experiences, and your challenges drive our advocacy efforts. Thank you for being part of the SDMS community. Together, we will continue to make a difference.


Mitzi Roberts, EdD, RT(R), RDMS, RDCS, FSDMS
SDMS and SDMS Foundation President

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