Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography


SDMS Volunteer Opportunities

The SDMS relies on volunteers to accomplish our mission and strategic goals. Volunteer opportunities with the SDMS can range from long-term commitments, such as serving on the Board of Directors, or a committee or task force, to participating in shorter micro-volunteer projects. All volunteers are bound by the SDMS Volunteer Conflict of Interest Policy and the SDMS Volunteer Code of Conduct Policy.

The SDMS is committed to promoting and implementing ongoing improvements to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the diagnostic medical sonography profession (SDMS Board Policy: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion [B.5.1]).

JDMSJDMS Reviewers

JDMS Reviewers collaborate with the JDMS Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors to thoroughly review all manuscripts before publication and provide feedback to authors.

A JDMS Reviewer should have:

  • An active interest in advancing scholarship in the sonography field;
  • A strong command of the English language, including grammar and syntax; and
  • An ability to think critically, enabling the thorough evaluation and creation of continuing medical education test objectives and questions.

Ideal candidates for this micro-volunteer opportunity should also possess experience in reviewing or authoring articles for publication and maintain a network of colleagues engaged in sonography research and practice.

Speaker IconCall for Proposals to Speak

Speaking at an SDMS event is a great opportunity to share your expertise with the sonography community.

The SDMS is seeking proposals to speak for the following events:

  • SDMS Annual Conference (in-person)
  • Stephen McLaughlin Memorial Lectureship
  • ​SDMS Virtual Events

Each proposal is carefully reviewed and will be considered by the SDMS Events Management Committee (EMC). Selected proposal(s) will be notified 90 days after the listed submission review deadline. Not all submitted proposals will be selected for an SDMS event. Visit the SDMS Call for Proposals webpage for additional information.

Ideal candidates for this micro-volunteer opportunity should have experience presenting, along with a passion for raising awareness and sharing expertise within the sonography profession.

Subject Matter ExpertSubject Matter Experts

Subject Matter Experts are micro-volunteers who lend their expertise to fulfill time-sensitive activities or projects.

The required expertise varies depending on the strategic or educational nature of the project, and qualifications are specified when an activity or project becomes available.


The SDMS Call for Nominations for the following elected positions is distributed via email in January with elections launching in June. Elected individuals typically start their service in October. Self-nominations are accepted.

Board of Directors iconSDMS Board of Directors

The SDMS Board of Directors provides overall leadership and direction for the Society's activities on behalf of its members. Elected SDMS Board members also hold the same position on the SDMS Foundation Board.

Board members are required to complete assigned projects and attend both in-person and virtual Board meetings throughout the year. Service on the Board requires each Board member to review background information in preparation for meetings and actively participate in Board discussions.

Members of the Board serve two-year terms. Only current SDMS individual members in good standing who are credentialed by a national sonography credentialing body recognized by the SDMS Board of Directors as outlined in the Recognition of Sonography Credentialing Organizations Position Statement, may run for or serve in an elected or appointed position. Additionally, SDMS Bylaws stipulate that members interested in the President position must have previously served on the SDMS Board of Directors in an Officer or Director position to be considered by the SDMS Nominating Committee.

Finance Committee Icon​Finance Committee

The SDMS Finance Committee reviews and recommends the proposed annual budget and assesses and provides recommendations on SDMS Financial Policies to the SDMS Board of Directors. The committee also conducts periodic reviews of financial reports.

Finance Committee members serve two-year terms. Only current SDMS individual members in good standing who are credentialed by a national sonography credentialing body recognized by the SDMS Board of Directors as outlined in the Recognition of Sonography Credentialing Organizations Position Statement, may run for or serve in an elected or appointed position.

Nominating Committee Icon​Nominating Committee

The SDMS Nominating Committee develops the slate of candidates for elected office each year and presents it to the membership. Additionally, the committee is responsible for recommending nomination and election process policies and procedures to the SDMS Board of Directors for consideration.

Nominating Committee members serve two-year terms. Only current SDMS individual members in good standing, who are credentialed by a national sonography credentialing body recognized by the SDMS Board of Directors as outlined in the Recognition of Sonography Credentialing Organizations Position Statement, may run for or serve in an elected or appointed position.

The SDMS Call for Volunteers for the following volunteer opportunities is distributed via email mid-year every two years in the odd years. Volunteer service typically starts in October, with the exception of task forces and micro-volunteer opportunities.

Events Committee IconEvents Management Committee

The SDMS Events Management Committee is responsible for planning program content for the SDMS in-person and virtual events, which includes identifying and securing faculty and providing support during the events as needed.

Events Management Committee members serve two-year terms. Only current SDMS individual members in good standing who are credentialed by a national sonography credentialing body recognized by the SDMS Board of Directors as outlined in the Recognition of Sonography Credentialing Organizations Position Statement, may run for or serve in an elected or appointed position.

Awards Committee IconMembership, Awards & Recognition Committee

The SDMS Membership, Awards, & Recognition Committee oversees all SDMS awards, recognitions, and competitions, managing the application/submission and evaluation processes. Additionally, the committee is responsible for recommending any necessary changes to the application/submission and evaluation processes to the SDMS Board of Directors.

Membership, Awards & Recognition Committee members serve two-year terms. Only current SDMS individual members in good standing who are credentialed by a national sonography credentialing body recognized by the SDMS Board of Directors as outlined in the Recognition of Sonography Credentialing Organizations Position Statement, may run for or serve in an elected or appointed position.

CME Reviewer iconCME Reviewers

As a micro-volunteer, the primary responsibility of an SDMS CME Reviewer is to review SDMS learning and CME Provider self-instructional activity content to ensure it is accurate, relevant, and applicable to the professional responsibilities of sonographers and other users of ultrasound, including clinical practice, patient care, and practice management. Additionally, CME Reviewers complete associated post-tests as learners to ensure that the questions are relevant to the content and that the provided correct answers are accurate.

CME Reviewers serve two-year terms. Only current SDMS individual members in good standing who are credentialed by a national sonography credentialing body recognized by the SDMS Board of Directors as outlined in the Recognition of Sonography Credentialing Organizations Position Statement, may run for or serve in an elected or appointed position.

Task Force IconTask Forces

SDMS Task Forces comprise volunteers who dedicate their time and expertise to fulfill time-sensitive strategic initiatives, projects, or objectives. Task force members are chosen based on their specialization and experience and are appointed as needed by the SDMS President.

Only current SDMS individual members in good standing who are credentialed by a national sonography credentialing body recognized by the SDMS Board of Directors as outlined in the Recognition of Sonography Credentialing Organizations Position Statement, may run for or serve in an elected or appointed position.

Micro Volunteer IconMicro-Volunteer Opportunities

A micro-volunteer opportunity is an activity completed in small increments of time. It may take a few hours, days, or months to complete and does not require an ongoing commitment. Micro-volunteers are selected on an as-needed basis, and the SDMS maintains a list of micro-volunteers to choose from throughout the year.

Only current SDMS individual members in good standing who are credentialed by a national sonography credentialing body recognized by the SDMS Board of Directors as outlined in the Recognition of Sonography Credentialing Organizations Position Statement, may run for or serve in an elected or appointed position.

SDMS Vounteer Journey
JDMS Volunteer Journey