Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography

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Breast Sonography CD-ROM Mock Exam (Davies)

ISBN: 0-941022-77-3

​This downloadable mock exam and learning resource covers exactly what you need to learn to pass the specialty exam in breast sonography. Powerful, featuresome, and fun, this multimedia wonder simulates the exam experience right down to the automatic timer, and it delivers CME credit conveniently and inexpensively. Coverage includes breast instrumentation and technique, normal anatomy, benign versus malignant features, specific lesions (benign), specific lesions (malignant), and invasive procedures—all in the same proportion as the exam itself. Breast Sonography Review is very effective in combination with Ultrasound Physics Review: SPI Edition, by Cindy A. Owen, RT, RDMS, RVT, FSDMS, and James A. Zagzebski, PhD. Why are the Davies mock exams so popular and effective? Because they contain the same kinds of thought-provoking questions you will find on the exam!
*Nearly 300 questions and answers in registry format ensure that you
are prepared.
*More than 100 image-based cases and tutorial illustrations sharpen
your wits.
*Simple explanations clarify answer choices.
*Tutorials explain and illustrate key facts and principles.
*Bonus tutorial from a leading textbook covers exam topics in depth.
*References guide your further study.
*Automatic timer paces you.
*Performance analysis automatically scores and guides you.
*Unlimited personal use means you pay only once.

*Compatible with Windows 98 and above. Not compatible with Windows 95, or Apple Macintosh systems.

Products are reviewed annually. CME credit quantities are subject to change.
Item # PRO- 8630
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