Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology A Practitioner's Guide (Davies)

ISBN: 978-0-941022-80-4

​Kathy Gill’s full-color textbook is a unique and powerful resource with an engaging clarity of purpose: to teach clinical ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology. Colorful, wonderfully written, exceptionally illustrated, lovely to browse, and authoritative all at once, it is created by and for practitioners of clinical sonography. Sonographers in training and those who teach them will find superbly illustrated and clearly written how-to instruction with dozens of features that make learning easy and—yes!—fun. Registry candidates preparing for their exam in obstetrics and gynecology will find the ARDMS exam topics covered and explained in full and colorful detail. Veteran sonographers and department managers will discover a versatile clinical reference full of facts, tips, explanations, protocols, standard measurements and diagnostic images.

PRO- 8617

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