Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography


Model Job Descriptions


It is critical for the job description of a sonographer to accurately reflect their daily duties and responsibilities. A job description serves as the basis for establishing patient care responsibilities, confirming departmental roles, orienting new employees, and serving as an evaluation tool for job performance.

In 2015, the SDMS conducted a task analysis survey of its membership. The collection of data began with a request for members to submit their current job descriptions. Many sonographers reported a lack ​of a written job description or an existing job description which did not accurately reflect their current activities and responsibilities.

The SDMS Advanced Sonography Committee and staff reviewed the job descriptions submitted to determine the frequency and importance of daily activities and responsibilities which characterize the work of sonographers. The resulting survey examined eighty-five specific job tasks that were categorized under one of eight sonographer job functions:

  1. Documentation & Reporting
  2. Performance of Ultrasound/Sonography Procedures
  3. Equipment Use & Maintenance
  4. Supervision & Management
  5. Quality Assessment & Quality Improvement
  6. Professional Development
  7. Health Care Team Interaction
  8. Student Education & Training

Following the completion of the survey1, a diverse sonographer work group was appointed to analyze the survey data. Model job descriptions were then created for the following sonographer roles: staff sonographer, lead sonographer, advanced sonographer, and sonography manager. Additional work and data collection will be required to create model job descriptions for the various sonography educator roles.

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How to use the SDMS Model Job Descriptions

While the SDMS Model Job Descriptions contain the most common daily activities and responsibilities, they were not developed as mandatory criteria nor intended to be simply used “as is.” The job descriptions should be considered as a starting point for creating and updating current sonographer job descriptions. Employers should customize (i.e., modify, add, delete) the tasks that are assigned to the ​various sonographer positions, which may also reflect those tasks assigned to ​a particular sonographer based on their sonography or management experience or the certifications/credentials held.

Note: Although use of the SDMS Model Job Descriptions’ job titles (i.e., staff sonographer, lead sonographer, advanced sonographer, sonography manager) is not required, the SDMS encourages employers to consider using modern job title terminology2 such as “diagnostic medical sonographer” or “sonographer” and to eliminate job titles with antiquated language such as “ultrasound technician,” “ultrasound technologist,” “ultrasononographer,” etc.

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Download Job Descriptions

Job Title  Adobe Acrobat (.PDF)  Microsoft Word (.DOCX) 
Staff Sonographer Download Download
Lead Sonographer Download Download
Advanced Sonographer   Download Download
Sonograph​y Manager   Download Download

See also:

[1] Survey distributed via email to 24,879 SDMS members – 1,628 members responded to the survey resulting in a statistical Confidence Level of P=.01 with a Confidence Interval (Margin-of-Error) of 3.09.

[2] Diagnostic Medical Sonographers and Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians, Including Vascular Technologists: Occupational Outlook Handbook: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics (Jan. 8, 2014),

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