The SDMS delivered quality education for the sonography community in 2023. SDMS members appreciated all the learning opportunities presented to them during the year, including 713 free SDMS learning activities, and earned a total of 744,013 SDMS CME credits. SDMS’ virtual offerings continued to expand in 2023 and we held 15 successful virtual events. Attendance at the SDMS Virtual Conference hit over 800, with 98 percent of registrants giving it high satisfaction marks.
In 2023, the SDMS Foundation continued to support the sonography community with the distribution of over $75,000 through grants and scholarships. The SDMS Foundation would like to gratefully acknowledge the generous support of our donors who made this possible.
The achievement of these milestones is thanks to our dedicated SDMS members who contributed over 9,500 volunteer hours in 2023. View the annual reports for the SDMS and the SDMS Foundation below for more details on our successful year and a look ahead to the 2024 goals for us to achieve together in our devotion to the sonography profession.