The SDMS Fellow Membership category recognizes the lifetime achievement of individual members who have made outstanding contributions to the field of sonography and to the SDMS. An SDMS Fellow exhibits outstanding professional accomplishments as well as continued membership and sustained engagement in SDMS activities.
Submit a Nomination
To be eligible for SDMS Fellow, an individual must:
- Be a current member of the SDMS in good standing and have been a member for a minimum of ten (10) consecutive years immediately prior to nomination.
- Be certified and registered by a national sonography credentialing body recognized by the SDMS Board of Directors, as detailed in the SDMS Position Statement: Recognition of Sonography Credentialing Organizations.
- Have demonstrated significant contributions and/or leadership in the SDMS and sonography profession.
- Nominator must be a current individual SDMS member. Self-nominations cannot be made.
- Nominations are accepted annually between March 1 and March 31.
- A call for nominations is made to the SDMS membership at large each year.
- Once the nomination is received, the nominee will be asked to complete the Fellow Membership Application and return it by the appropriate deadline.
- The SDMS Membership Awards and Recognition Committee will review all eligible applications and make a recommendation to the SDMS Board of Directors.
- The SDMS Board of Directors may either accept or reject the recommendation. The Board may elevate up to two SDMS members to Fellow status each year at its sole discretion.
- The new SDMS Fellow induction will take place at the SDMS Annual Conference.
Award winners receive:
- Complimentary lifetime SDMS Fellow membership;
- Fellow member lapel pin, medallion, certificate, and use of the FSDMS designation;
- Two complimentary, transferrable tickets to the SDMS & SDMS Foundation Awards event held at the SDMS Annual Conference; and
- Recognition at the SDMS Annual Conference and in the Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JDMS), SDMS press release, and SDMS social media release.