Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography

W. Frederick Sample Student Excellence Award


The W. Frederick Sample Student Excellence Award was established in memory of Dr. Frederick Sample to acknowledge outstanding achievement in the field of diagnostic medical sonography and to encourage students to submit original research and literature review papers for publication in the Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JDMS).


To be eligible for the W. Frederick Sample Student Excellence Award:

  • The author must be a current member of the SDMS in the Student category at the time of entry submission;
  • The Program Director must be a current member of the SDMS in good standing at the time of entry submission.


  • Original Research: Research in the field of sonography not previously published in print or electronic format or previously submitted for publication is eligible.
  • Literature Review: Critical assessment of literature pertaining to the field of sonography not previously published in print or electronic format or previously submitted for publication is eligible.

​Instructions & Submission Deadline

  • Applications and submissions must be received online on or before May 31.
  • Applications and submissions are accepted annually between ​April 1 and May 31.
  • View/Print instructions


​The winners in each category (i.e., original research and literature review) will receive:

  • Monetary awards as follows: First Place: $400, Second Place: $250​;
  • An engraved award;
  • Two complimentary, transferable tickets to the SDMS & SDMS Foundation Awards event held at the SDMS Annual Conference; and
  • Recognition at the SDMS ​Annual Conference and in the Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JDMS), SDMS press release, and SDMS social media release.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

The SDMS is committed to promoting and implementing ongoing improvements to diversity, equity, and inclusion in all award and recognition programs and in the diagnostic medical sonography profession. Click Here to read the full SDMS Board Policy.