Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography

SDMS Foundation Research Grants

The SDMS Foundation Research Grant Program provides support for innovative research projects which advance the field of diagnostic medical sonography. 

The Evans Undergraduate Research Grant Program, made possible by a generous donation by Dr. Kevin and Kathy Evans, provides support for undergraduate projects led by student researchers currently enrolled in a bachelor's degree program in sonography or a related discipline.


**NOTE: You must be logged in and a current SDMS member to apply for this program. **

All applicants are required to present a topic which is unique and relevant to the profession and the SDMS Foundation, to undergo education and mentorship throughout their research, and to submit their findings to the Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JDMS) for possible publication. Grant funding for both programs may be used to support the collection or analysis of data and other costs of performing the approved research.

Grant Details

Up to four SDMS Foundation Research Grants are awarded per year, ranging from $1,000 - $5,000 depending on project budget and availability of funds. One Evans Undergraduate Research Grant is available per year at an amount of $1,000.

Grant Application Deadlines
Applications are accepted annually beginning January 1 and continue until all budgeted funds are allocated.  

Grant Eligibility

To be eligible for the SDMS Foundation Research Grant, an individual must:

  • Be a current member of the SDMS at both the time of application and the time of grant payments;
  • Fully complete the ​online application, including any required attachment(s);
  • Present a Literature Review or Original Research topic which is unique and relevant to the profession and the SDMS Foundation;
  • Demonstrate the support of their employer, institution, or other applicable parties for the time and/or resources required to complete the research;
  • Present proof of Institutional Review Board approval and/or Human Subjects Research approval (as applicable);
  • Be willing to accept the mentorship and/or peer review of research methodologies by other qualified experts in the field; and
  • Be willing to author and submit the results of the research as a manuscript to the JDMS for potential publication.

To be eligible for the Evans Undergraduate Research Grant, an individual must:

  • Be a current member of the SDMS at both the time of application and the time of grant payments;
  • Be currently enrolled as a junior or senior in a bachelor’s degree program in sonography or a related discipline (proof of enrollment required);
  • Fully complete the ​online application, including any required attachment(s);
  • Present a Literature Review or Original Research topic which is unique and relevant to the profession and the SDMS Foundation;
  • Demonstrate the support of their educational program, as shown by designating a project mentor responsible for assisting in the project's completion;
  • Present proof of Institutional Review Board approval and/or Human Subjects Research approval (as applicable);
  • Be willing to author and submit the results of the research as a manuscript to the JDMS for potential publication.

NOTE: Only one SDMS Foundation grant and one SDMS Foundation Scholarship may be awarded to the same individual within a calendar year. Applicants may receive an SDMS Foundation Research Grant only once every three years.

Grant Process

  1. All applications must be completed online. Completed applications are reviewed based on eligibility criteria and availability of grant funds.
  2. For the SDMS Foundation Research Grant: Completed applications will be reviewed within four weeks of submission, and grants ranging from $1,000 - $5,000, depending on project needs and evaluator approval of budget, may be awarded.
  3. For the Evans Undergraduate Research Grant: Completed applications will be reviewed within four weeks of submission, and a grant of up to $1,000, depending on project needs and evaluator approval of budget, may be awarded.
  4. All Research Grant awards are disbursed in two equal payments as follows:
    1. Fifty percent (50%) of grant amount at time of grant award; and
    2. Fifty percent (50%) of grant amount at time of manuscript submission to the JDMS following completion of project.
  5. The SDMS Foundation reserves the right to withhold or cancel the second payment if:
    1. ​The project is not completed and submitted to the JDMS within twelve (12) months of grant award;
    2. The project scope deviates significantly from the approved project summary; or
    3. The researcher does not adhere to the periodic check-ins established by the project mentor.
  6. Recipients must remain a member of the SDMS through the date of both payments.
Grant recipients are responsible for determining the tax implications of all grants received. Please consult a tax professional if you have questions.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

The SDMS Foundation is committed to promoting and implementing ongoing improvements to diversity, equity, and inclusion in all Foundation programs and in the diagnostic medical sonography profession. Click Here to read the full SDMS Foundation Board Policy.

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