Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography

SDMS Virtual Seminars - Event Partnership

Offered throughout the year, the SDMS Virtual Seminars focus on specialty specific content. Presented virtually, attendees have the opportunity to attend educational sessions, chat with speakers and other attendees, and earn SDMS CME credits from the comfort of their own home or office.

Each Virtual Seminar topic offers four (4) individual presentations. Partner with the SDMS and provide a speaker and content for an individual presentation for one, two, or all the scheduled Virtual Seminar topics. Email the SDMS Events team to customize your partnership and participation for the SDMS Virtual Seminars.

All partners will receive a copy of their recorded content. Details regarding the use of the recorded content will be outlined in the partnership agreement.

​Partnership Benefits Include:
  • Opportunity to include a 2-minute video advertisement (will be run during a break)
  • Opportunity to provide company verbiage to be recorded by voiceover talent
  • Link to your video advertisement included in event recording email sent to all registrants after your selected Virtual Seminar
  • Company logo featured on Virtual Seminar template
  • Verbal company recognition at the beginning and end of your Virtual Seminar
  • Written company recognition showcased through the “chat feature”
  • Company recognition on all targeted email campaigns distributed up to 60,000 recipients
  • Company recognition on Virtual Seminar website landing page
  • Social media recognition (via the SDMS Facebook page)
  • Four (4) complimentary registration codes
NOTE: Virtual Seminar sponsorships are available on a first come, first serve basis.
​Partnership Opportunit​​ies / Event Dates
(dates/topics are subject to change and determined by the SDMS)
Cardiac Icon
​Cardiac Virtual Seminar
March 1​5, 202​5
SOLD to Philips Healthcare
​Gynecology Virtual Seminar
​Ju​ne 2​1, 202​​5
SOLD to Philips Healthcare
MSK Icon
​​MSK Virtual Seminar
​August 9, 202​​5
SOLD to Philips Healthcare
Pediatric Seminar icon
​​Pediatric Virtual Seminar
​​October 1​8, 202​5
SOLD to Philips Healthcare

The SDMS Virtual Seminars are highly rated by the attendees and continue to grow in popularity each year. Specialty area topics are chosen based on attendee feedback received through Virtual Seminar evaluations.

Unique Individuals Icon​Over 650 attendees in 202​4.

Feedback_50pxAttendee Feedback

“These virtual seminars are a perfect solution for me, sometimes multiple days of content can be overload.”

“The quality of presentations and the topics presented make attending these seminars a “no-brainer” in my opinion. Thank you SDMS for organizing these events.”

“The value of these seminars is incomparable; the convenience of being at home is priceless!”

“I appreciate receiving the recording after the event to refer back to.”

SDMS Virtual Event sponsorship opportunities are available for SDMS members and those vendors who promote and support the sonography community.


Once an SDMS Virtual Event sponsorship is requested (written or verbal), completion of the sponsorship contract and 50% deposit is required via an application to fully secure the opportunity. Final sponsorship payment is due 30 days prior to the event date for full benefits to be executed. Failure to submit payment according to this process will result in loss of sponsorship.

Sponsorships and advertising are non-refundable.


Contract terms will begin two to four months prior to the event date and one month upon conclusion of the event date. Sponsorship benefits will be executed as outlined in the SDMS Sponsorship & Advertising Prospectus.


The SDMS Sponsorship Prospectus will be released on December 1 each year to solicit sponsorships for the following year for all SDMS events. Solicitation will initially be executed by the SDMS staff via email, press release, and personal outreach. Assistance from the Events Management Committee (EMC) and other SDMS volunteers will be requested as needed.

Right of First Refusal

Current year SDMS sponsors will be given right of first refusal for future year sponsorship opportunities. Sponsors will be contacted during the month of November to continue their sponsorship for the following year, with a commitment date of November 30. Any sponsorships not claimed by the November 30 deadline will be available in the official SDMS Sponsorship & Advertising Prospectus on December 1 of each year.

Policy on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (B.5.1)

The SDMS is committed to promoting and implementing ongoing improvements to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the diagnostic medical sonography profession (SDMS Board Policy: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion [B.5.1]). The SDMS encourages participating exhibitors, vendors, and sponsors to support efforts to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion in their outreach.


Contact SDMS Events:​

The SDMS is committed to promoting and implementing ongoing improvements to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the diagnostic medical sonography profession (SDMS Board Policy: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion [B.5.1]). The SDMS encourages participating exhibitors, vendors, and sponsors to support efforts to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion in their outreach.