SDMS Annual Conference Sponsorships
$17,000 Sponsorship | 5 Unique Opportunities
Conference Food & Beverage (includes breaks and lunch)
Located in the SDMS Exhibit Hall, morning and afternoon breaks and buffet lunch will be available to all conference participants on Friday and Saturday. Your company name and/or logo will be displayed on the signage in the food & beverage area and your company can place promotional materials on the tables.
Conference Website
Your company name and/or logo will be displayed throughout the conference website You will also receive a conference webpage advertisement with this sponsorship.
General Sessions (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday)
Your company name and/or logo will be displayed throughout each general session. A representative will have the opportunity to introduce the general session speakers and place promotional materials on attendee seats.
Grand Prize
The SDMS Annual Conference Grand Prize will be awarded to one lucky conference registrant. Details will be included onsite.
Registration (badge holders & totebags)
Your company name and/or logo will be displayed on each attendee’s badge holder and on the outside of the conference totebag. Attendees will be given both items at registration and badges must be worn at all times during the conference.
Also included in your $17,000 Sponsorship Package:
Onsite Benefits:
- Two (2) preferred exhibit booths: includes complimentary exhibit hall badges for booth personnel and complimentary access to the SDMS Lead Retrieval System (value = $7,500)
- Three (3) complimentary full conference registrations: earn SDMS CME credit when attending educational sessions (value = $3,147)
- Social media post: promote your company to the followers of the SDMS social media account of your choice (value = $750)
- Totebag insert: supply an insert or promotional item in the conference participants’ totebags (value = $750)
- website ad: link your website ad to an external website (value = $1,250)
- Sponsored event: sponsor an attendee breakfast, lunch, or reception (sponsor responsible for food & beverage cost); the SDMS will advertise the event to conference attendees via the conference webpages and one email distributed to all conference registrants (value = $1,500)
- Signage and promotional materials: promote your company name and/or logo displayed on signage and promotional materials throughout the conference (value = $1,000)
Your Company Name and Logo Appear (value=$25,000):
- In all targeted registration emails distributed to up to 60,000 recipients
- On SDMS Annual Conference landing page
- In the conference wrap-up email distributed (up to 60,000 recipients)
The calculated engagement value is based on SDMS email and website exposure.
$12,000 Sponsorship | 3 Unique Opportunities
Massage Lounge
The Massage Lounge will be open during Exhibit Hall hours to conference participants. Your company name and/or logo will be displayed onsite at the lounge and on the conference website.
WiFi (choose password)
Wireless internet access for all conference participants will be available in the exhibit hall and educational sessions. Your company name and/or logo will be displayed on signage throughout the conference. You will also have the opportunity to select the WiFi access password.
Sonographer wellness is a key focus of the SDMS. Your company name and/or logo will be displayed throughout the conference on the SDMS wellness promotional materials, including support of the Stress-Release Yoga sessions, hand sanitizing stations, etc.
Also Included in Your $12,000 Sponsorship Package:
Onsite Benefits:
- One (1) preferred exhibit booth: includes complimentary exhibit hall badges for booth personnel and complimentary access to the SDMS Lead Retrieval System (value = $3,750)
- Two (2) complimentary full conference registrations: earn SDMS CME credit when attending educational sessions (value = $2,098)
- Social media post: promote your company to the followers of the SDMS social media account of your choice (value = $750)
- website ad: link your website ad to an external website (value = $1,250)
- Sponsored event: sponsor an attendee breakfast, lunch, or reception (sponsor responsible for food & beverage cost); the SDMS will advertise the event to conference attendees via the conference webpages and one email distributed to all conference registrants (value = $1,500)
- Signage and promotional materials: promote your company name and/or logo displayed on signage and promotional materials throughout the conference (value = $1,000)
Your Company Name and Logo Appear (value=$25,000):
- In all targeted registration emails distributed to up to 60,000 recipients
- On SDMS Annual Conference landing page
- In the conference wrap-up email distributed (up to 60,000 recipients)
The calculated engagement value is based on SDMS email and website exposure.
$7,000 Sponsorship | 7 Unique Opportunities
Poster Display
Your company name and/or logo will be featured as a sponsor of the Poster Display, showcasing educational posters created by sonographers and sonography students.
Social Event
Your company name and/or logo will be featured on the conference website and throughout the event. A representative will have the opportunity to welcome everyone to the event.
Educational Tracks
Your company name and/or logo will be displayed on the conference website, during breaks in the educational session room, and on the schedule signage outside the educational session room. Choose from the following educational tracks:
Abdominal + Track
Cardiac Track
Educator Track
OB/GYN Track
Vascular Track
Also Included in Your $7,000 Sponsorship Package:
Onsite Benefits:
- One (1) standard exhibit booth: includes complimentary exhibit hall badges for booth personnel and complimentary access to the SDMS Lead Retrieval System (value = $3,250)
- One (1) complimentary full conference registration: earn SDMS CME credit when attending educational sessions (value = $1,049)
- Sponsored event: sponsor an attendee breakfast, lunch, or reception (sponsor responsible for food & beverage cost); the SDMS will advertise the event to conference attendees via the conference webpages and one email distributed to all conference registrants (value = $1,500)
- Signage and promotional materials: promote your company name and/or logo displayed on signage and promotional materials throughout the conference (value = $1,000)
Your Company Name and Logo Appear (value=$25,000):
- In all targeted registration emails distributed to up to 60,000 recipients
- On SDMS Annual Conference landing page
- In the conference wrap-up email distributed (up to 60,000 recipients)
The calculated engagement value is based on SDMS email and website exposure.
Contact SDMS Events:
The SDMS is committed to promoting and implementing ongoing improvements to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the diagnostic medical sonography profession (SDMS Board Policy: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion [B.5.1]). The SDMS encourages participating exhibitors, vendors, and sponsors to support efforts to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion in their outreach.