Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography

SDMS Annual Conference Exhibit Hall
Booth Specs & Benefits
Preferred Booth Cost: $​3,​750    |    Standard Booth Cost: $​3,250
Booth Diagram

Each 10' x 10' exhibit booth includes:

  • 8’ background and 3’ side drape
  • 7”x44” sign with exhibitor name and booth number
  • Complimentary access to the SDMS Lead Retrieval System
  • Company profile on the event website
  • Complimentary WiFi in the exhibit hall
  • No carpet will be provided in the exhibit hall, including aisles

Complimentary exhibitor badges for all exhibit booth personnel which provides access to:

  • Exhibit hall
  • ​Social event
  • General​ and other educational sessions*
* While exhibitors may attend educational sessions, SDMS CME credit cannot be earned. To earn SDMS CME credit, you must be a paid conference registrant or have received a complimentary full conference registration through an SDMS sponsorship package.

Wednesday, September ​17

  • 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm:  Exhibit Hall Early Setup*
    * Pre-approval by the SDMS and Freeman Event Management required.

Thursday, September ​18

  • 8:00 am – 3:00 pm:  Exhibit Hall Setup
  • 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm:  Exhibit Hall Grand Opening

Friday, September ​19

  • 10:00 am: Exhibit Hall Open
  • 10:​00 am: Networking & Refreshment Break
  • 1:​10 pm: Lunch
  • 2:30 pm: Coffee & Dessert
  • 2:40 pm: ​Attendee Prize Drawing
  • 3:00 pm: Exhibit Hall Closes

Saturday, September 2​0

  • 10:00 am: Exhibit Hall Open
  • 10:​00 am: Networking & Refreshment Break
  • 1:​10 pm: Lunch
  • 2:30 pm: Coffee & Dessert
  • 2:40 pm: ​Grand Prize Drawing –Sponsored by ARDMS
  • 3:00 pm: Exhibit Hall Closes
  • Notification of cancellation or reduction in exhibit space must be submitted in writing via mail, fax, or email. The effective date of a space cancellation or reduction is the date when written notification is received and date stamped by the SDMS.
  • If written notice is received on or by August 8, payment for exhibit space rental, less a $250 administration fee, will be refunded. It is the exhibitor’s sole responsibility to ensure that written notice of cancellation is received by the deadline.
  • Exhibit space rental is non-refundable after August 8.
  • All exhibit space will be released when the SDMS receives written notification of cancellation or reduction from the exhibitor.
  • Sponsorships and advertising are non-refundable. Refunds apply only to exhibit space rental.
  • Any booth in the Exhibit Hall that is unoccupied by 3 pm on September 18, will be considered a no-show and shall be deemed to have cancelled the exhibit space contract. Any assigned exhibit space may be re-assigned to another exhibitor. There will be no refund to the original exhibitor and no further obligation on the part of the SDMS.

Contact SDMS Events:​

The SDMS is committed to promoting and implementing ongoing improvements to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the diagnostic medical sonography profession (SDMS Board Policy: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion [B.5.1]). The SDMS encourages participating exhibitors, vendors, and sponsors to support efforts to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion in their outreach.